Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Hollow City Review

Title: Hollow City: The Second Novel of Miss Peregrine's Peculiar Children (Miss Peregrine's Peculiar Children #1)

Author: Ransom Riggs

Publisher: Quirk Books

Publication Date: January 14th 2014

Pages: 396

Genre: Ya, Sci-Fi, Paranormal

Rating: 4.25 out of 5 stars

Synopsis: (Via GoodReads)

The extraordinary journey that began in Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children continues as Jacob Portman and his newfound friends journey to London the peculiar capital of the world. But in this war-torn city, hideous surprises lurk around every corner. Like its predecessor, this second novel in the Peculiar Children series blends thrilling fantasy with never-before-published vintage photography to create a one-of-a-kind reacting experience.

This story was so much better than the first one. I was one of the people who could not stand the story at all, so when I saw this book for $10 dollars and heard that it was so much better than the first one, I gave in. I found that this book is completely different than the first book. The hype over this book did not make this book any less enjoyable to read, compared to the first book.

This book starts off right after Miss Peregrine's leaves off. It took me a little to remember what happened, but I soon gathered everything and was on my way through the book. The children go through many obstacles in this book and it is action packed. There were some moments that were dull that made me rate it lower than I would have.

I believe that Ransom Riggs really collected himself on this book and he made me change my mind about this trilogy, I believe. The writing was so much better and it kept me hooked. I found myself reading in my own Jacob voice in my head. That is how believable the writing is. The characters were also more well-managed in this sequel. The characters were more introduced and explained. This helped me understand more about the story as a whole. This book just had so much world and character building that made the story easier to follow and to understand why things are happening.

I would definitely recommend this to anyone who has read thee 1st book, whether they enjoyed it or not. I did not like the first book, but this one blew my mind, because it was so much better. Whatever you thought the first book was lacking this book had and it had lots of it.

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